Poll Says Average Credit Card Debt Tops $3,000 Per Cardholder and Almost $6,000 for Balance Carriers

A new Gallup poll on personal finances is reporting that the average credit card debt for holders of credit cards is $3,426. However, this number includes consumers who say all of their balances will be paid off when their next statements arrive (42 percent said they always pay off their balances). For credit card holders who revolve their balances, the average credit card debt equalled $5,960.
Eighty percent of those surveyed had at least one credit card. The average respondent had 2.9 credit cards. However, this includes the 20 percent that had no credit cards at all, so it is safe to assume that the average credit card holder has more than three credit cards.
Americans with higher incomes were more likely to carry a large number of credit cards as well as have a larger balance than low-income Americans, but they were also more likely to report paying off their balances in full each month. Gallup conducted telephone interviews with 1,005 national adults, aged 18 and older, between April 10th and April 13th.
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